Friday, February 2, 2007


So the packing in Arizona is well under way, but I'm ready to be off. I cleaned off my desk in my graduate student office, sent a farewell (for now) message to my disseration committee, promised them a revised draft in two weeks, and am now officially one of those doctoral candidates who aren't "around". Last night I packed up the things in my apartment that I can't/don't want to take to Mexico and arranged to have them picked up by a charity group's truck. It was a little surreal. The two guys who arrived managed to haul everything off in about 5 minutes, all the while aggresively debating each other's intellectual capacity. Unpleasant and fast! It was a little like seeing the last 10-15 years erased in a few minutes. I felt strange walking back into an almost empty apartment. My plans to stay the weekend and work on my disseration were immediately reevaluated. I think I'll take advantage of SuperBowl Sunday to beat the traffic and head early to California.

You have to breathe out the old air to let in the new...

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